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Smart Restoration Services – Common House-Maintenance Mistakes You Could Be Making



A little planning could reduce unnecessary costs and inconvenience at home. According to a recent survey commissioned by Liberty Mutual Insurance, 34 percent of American homeowners have faced an unexpected home repair of $5,000 or more. In all likelihood, for each of those all-too-avoidable catastrophes, there was a symptom that went ignored. Neglecting routine home maintenance and ignoring signs of deterioration can often cause permanent damage.  (-excerpt from architecturaldigest.com)


  • Winterize properly. Homeowners often overlook their sprinkler systems when the cold months hit and leave water in the lines. When temperatures drop, sprinkler pipes can freeze and break.
  • Address water damage. This can have major consequences down the road.  If you don’t keep your spaces (like bathrooms) dry and in good repair, water damage and mold can occur. Within days (and sometimes even hours), water can penetrate into building materials and through electrical fixtures to a point that can require complete replacement. If water damage stays for longer periods of time, mold can start to grow, which can lead to more costly removal or remediation.
  • Appliance maintenance.  Did you know that the icemaker can start to scale up, especially if you have hard water, and that can cause the mechanisms to stop working correctly. Large refrigerators often have water and air filters that need to be replaced.
  • Temperature & humidity control.  Closing a vent to help control room temperature might seem like a good idea, but this can cause the furnace to work harder and even lead to damage.  Furnace replacements can be expensive.  Your HVAC units should be serviced in the spring and the fall.

Everyone is busy, and it never seems to be the right time to tackle home-maintenance projects. There is always something more urgent or fun to do.  If you find yourself in a situation where you have a catastrophic home repair, we can help.  Our staff can handle all phases of restoration, remediation and reconstruction. We also have the experience and relationships with insurance carriers and can help you navigate the claims process.

Contact us at 847.577.2900 or contactus@smartrestorationservices.com for more information.



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